Domain Consultant
Comes with 40 years of industry experience (15 years in Petroleum Refinery, 22 years in IT/ITES industry for oil and gas and 3 years as independent consultant and trainer
Certified Industry 4.0 assessor
As a thought leader presented papers in several industry events
An adjunct faculty for petroleum universities, business schools and incubation centres
Came out with 16 video modules on Petroleum Refining
Conducts training programs on
Industry 4.0 Overview
O&G Industry Overview
Petroleum Refining
IT for O&G Industry
Enterprise Asset Management
Plant Automation and Process Control
Distinguished Toastmaster
Member of Toastmasters International for the past 15 years
Achieved the highest title "Distinguished Toastmaster" twice
Nurtured several Toastmasters clubs by being a sponsor, mentor and a coach
Much sought after educational speakers in District 120
Currently a member of Meraki, the only advanced Toastmasters club in Tamilnadu
Written a book titled "RagaChintamani" that covered the classical aspects of Tamil Film Music. 1500 copies sold
Compiled the blog posts and came out with two Tamil books titled "Simulation Padaippukal" and "Simulation Paarvaikal"
Curated 61 shorts stoties and articles of Brahminical genre and came out with a Tamil book titled "Nammaathuk Kathaikal"
The following books are in pipeline
Design Thinking for Public Speaking
Life-lessons from Metaphors
Information Technology in Oil and Gas Industry
21 Common Mistakes While Making Presentations
Other Interests
Connoisseur of carnatic music and written several blog posts appreciating various aspects of it
Extensively travelled across the globe - 13 countries
Numismatist with decent collection of coins and currencies
Passionate to do water color drawings and digital arts
Much sought-after quiz master
About Dr.Sundararaman Chintamani
A business storyteller cum business storytelling coach and a keynote speaker on business storytelling. Works closely with organizations and individuals in nurturing the art of business storytelling to achieve their goals in corporate life.
Authored the book "Business Storytelling for Leaders" which was published Jul 2023.
Written more than 30 episodes on "A to Z of Business Storytelling" as Linkedin Newsletter, which has 3000 subscribers.
Business Storytelling Expert
Trainer & Workshop Facilitator
Conducts workshops on the following topics :-
Design Thinking​
Unleash Your Creativity
Presentation Skills
Public Speaking Skills